Sports supplements for recovery after exercise, include nutrition bars, glucosamine, multivitamins and mineral supplements.
Sports supplements may be divided into three main categories in terms of their areas of action, including for improving muscle mass and strength, boosting energy and endurance levels and helping the body to recover more quickly after exercise. The latter category is recognised as being particularly important for replacing fluids, essential electrolytes and calories which are lost through undertaking intensive forms of exercise.
Sports Supplements for Recovery After Exercise
In addition to taking supplements before and during exercise, sports supplements are also available, specifically for helping athletes in terms of recovery. In Sports Supplements, Bean (2007) highlights key sports supplements used for recovery after exercise, to include the following:
nutrition bars
mineral supplements
antioxidant supplements
fish oils
omega-3 supplements
energy drinks
sports drinks (such as isotonic Lucozade Sport)
Sport Recovery – Omega 3 and Glucosamine
Omega-3 supplements are available from most high street pharmacies and health-care practices, naturally occurring in some forms of oily fish. The benefits of omega-3, as identified by Bean (2007) include the following:
increase of delivery of oxygen to muscles
reduction of pain, joint stiffness
promotion of post-workout recovery
optimization of aerobic performance
reduction in inflammation
In Health Supplements, Lakin et al. (2006) highlights further positive effects of taking omega-3, as follows:
regulation of blood pressure
boost in immunity
help in blood clotting
strengthening of the heart
help in preventing heart abnormalities
Another popular form of sports supplement, identified by Bean (2007), is that of glucosamine, which has the following benefits for athletes:
shock-absorbing material for joints
lubrication of joint structures
nutrients for joint structures
strengthening of tendons
strengthening of ligaments, cartilage
help in regeneration of damaged cartilage
restoration of joint function
improvement of mobility after injury
Glucosamine is available from most pharmacies and health food shops, either as capsules, tablets, creams or skin patches. According to Lakin et al. (2006), glucosamine is now commonly used to help prevent and treat treat arthritis symptoms and is recognised to help strengthen joints. Further benefits associated with glucosamine include:
faster joint healing
possible prevention of muscle injuries
relief of stiffness
reduction of back and neck pain
helps in reduction of osteoarthritis symptoms
As highlighted above, key sports supplements used to help athletes recover after exercise, include sports bars, energy drinks, glucosamine, omega-3, multi-vitamins and minerals. Omega-3 is mainly found in fish oils and helps muscles and joint pain, while glucosamine speeds the healing process and is used as shock absorbing material for joints. For more information on supplements and herbal remedies for sports-related issues, see the source below, or seek advice from a specialist sports nutritionist.
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Arthroscopy Surgery Clinic
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Aurobindo Marg,
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