Sports Supplements for Increasing Energy and Endurance Levels
Sports supplements identified as being used to help increase both energy levels and endurance, include isotonic sports drinks, energy bars and energy gels.
These days one is constantly bombarded with various television commercials for the latest and greatest energy drink, complete with top athletes claiming they use a particular brand. As a result it can be confusing to work out which sports supplements are actually beneficial and which are just simply all hype and no substance.
Sports Supplements for Increasing Energy and Endurance Levels
There are a whole range of different sports and nutrition supplements currently available, claiming to help give athletes that competitive edge, through boosting both energy and endurance levels. In Sports Supplements, Bean (2007) highlights some common forms of sports supplements used to increase one's energy and endurance levels, as follows:
isotonic sports drinks
energy bars
energy drinks
energy gels
fat burners/thermogenics
Benefits of Isotonic Sports Drinks
Isotonic sports drinks, such as Lucozade Sport, have become increasingly popular with athletes in recent years and are specially formulated to replace fluids which have been lost through sweating. Common isotonic sports drinks include Boots Isotonic, Lucozade Sport and High Five. Key benefits associated with isotonic drinks, according to Bean (2007), include the following:
replacement of fluids during and after exercise
carbohydrate fuel for exercising muscles
essential electrolytes, sodium and potassium
enhancement of mental focus
a boost concentration
Isotonic sports drinks are typically used by those who regularly have to push themselves to the limit in sports such as running, as well as by those simply heading to the gym for an intensive workout. These drinks may be purchased at most sport centres, larger supermarkets and pharmacies.
Sport Supplements – Ginseng Benefits
Another form of sports supplement, identified as being helpful for athletes in terms of improving energy and endurance levels, is ginseng. Ginseng is one of the oldest forms of herbal medicine and has been used as a tonic for over 3,000 years. In The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplement, Brewer (2010) identifies benefits of ginseng, as follows:
acts as a stimulant
restores energy levels
helps improve strength
increases stamina
boosts level of alertness
helps concentration
There are two main types of ginseng, including Korean ginseng and American ginseng, with Korean ginseng being more relevant for athletes, as it has stimulating properties. In contrast, American ginseng is more of a relaxation supplement. However, ginseng is not recommended for those under the age of twelve or women who are either pregnant or breast-feeding.
As highlighted above, sports supplements designed to help increase both energy levels and endurance include isotonic energy drinks (such as Lucozade Sport), which replace essential fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating, as well as energy bars, energy gels and ginseng. Regardless of whether one is an amateur or seasoned professional, sports supplements can make a real difference to both performance and endurance levels.
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